Monday, May 4, 2015

Julia Balder 808          
                            The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Essay

The book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum shows the world of friendship.  In the story Dorothy follows the yellow brick road to the Emerald city, so she can try to get back home. During her journey she encounters the scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion, they become great friends who help each other out through the story.  Thought the story the Scarecrow, Tin man and the lion had become very fond of Dorothy, but when she must return home they are all very sad that they have to spilt.  However they all have good things going for them when Dorothy leaves.  The story shows true friendship between a little girl, a scarecrow, a tin man, and a lion.  
First, in the story the characters show how being friends has changed their lives for the better and benefits everyone involved. In the book the scarecrow says, “I should not have had my wonderful brains,’ cried the scarecrow,’I might have passed my whole life in the farmer’s cornfield.”  then the Tin Woodman says, “And I should no have had my lovely heart,’ said the Tin Woodman. ‘I might have stood and rusted in the forest till the end of the world.”  After that the Lion said, “And I should have lived a coward forever,’ declared the lion, ‘and no beast in all forest would have had a good word to say to me.”  These quotes are showing how Dorothy showing up on her journey and being a part of these creatures lives has benefited the characters (scarecrow, lion and tin man) in the story.  The influence that Dorothy had on these characters is huge, they would have lived their lives as they were before Dorothy showed up, and helping them, while they help her find a way to go home.  The book is showing how having friends who are loyal and kind benefits everyone involved.  
Second,  in the story the friends (Dorothy, Lion, Tin Man, and Scarecrow)  are loyal to each other, because thats what friends do.  In the story it says, “We must certainly get to the Emerald City.” in this situation the four are on a raft floating down a river and their poles get stuck. Even during this hard situation they are still believing in themselves because they believe they believe they can succeed.  Another point in the story is that when Dorothy, Toto and the cowardly Lion went into the poppy fields and fainted from the smell the Scarecrow and Tin Man friends did everything they could to get her out.  “Lets make a chair with our hands, and career,’ said the Scarecrow.  So they picked up Toto and put the dog in Dorothy’s lap, and then made a chair with their hands for the seat and their arms for the arms and carried the sleeping girl between them through the flowers.”  This quote shows how loyal Dorothy’s friends are and how they would do anything to help her.  The friends that Dorothy has made show loyalty and true friendship this quote.  In this story the four friends, Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion and Tin Man are true friends.  
Overall the book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum shows true friendship between four individuals.  These four go on a long adventure together and show their true selves.  They over come many opticals and became better friends over the course of the story.  They had a long journey together that non of them would forget, because they are friends and friends are important, this book proved that.  This story shows and unbreakable bond betweenn four loyal friends.  

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Julia Balder 

Question #2:  Is it fair that so much is riding on a single test for millions of Chinese students? Write an argument essay that uses text evidence to support your claim.  

“The gaokao offers the promise of a life beyond the fields and the factories.” The Chinese national college-entrance examination is known as the gaokao. The test is a rigorous and long challenge.  The test has so much at stake, it determines if you shall work in the field and factorize for the rest of you life or get into one of China’s top colleges.  It isn’t fair that so much is riding on this one test for millions of Chinese students.  
First of all, preparing for the gaokao is a very stressful time for students.  The article, “ China’s Cram Schools,” in Upfront Magazine says, “A senior at Maotanchang (a high school in China) had spent the previous three years, weekends included, stumbling to his first class at 6:20 in the morning and returning to his room only after the end of his last class at 10:50 at night.” A caption explaining what a picture of students studying hooked up to Intervenous Drips, the caption says, “Intravenous Drips:  Students in Hubei Province go to extremes to study beyond the point of exhaustion.” These two quotes can show the basic lifestyle of a student preparing to take the gaokao.  The quotes imply that students are at school for more than half the day studying for a test that can choose their fate.  The article also says, “Teenage suicide rate tends to rise as the gaokao nears.”  This quote shows how much stress is put on the high schoolers that they actually kill themselves because they think their not going to ever pass and be sentenced to working in a field or factory.  Of course there will always be suicide, but a single test shouldn't be a strong enough force to push students to kill themselves.  Overall, preparing for the gaokao cause severe stress to the students.  
Second, the gaokao also cause stress for parents and guardians, teachers and faculty.  The article says, “ A fact that worried his mother, … his mother quit her garment factory job to support Yang in his final year of cramming.”  Another idea presented in the article was, “My mother constantly reminds me that I have to study hard, because my father is out working far from home to pay my school fees.”  This is often how it is when students are studying for the gaokao (generally if the came from poor, rural areas in China),  the mother would come to live with the child while the father goes out to the large coastal cities looking for work to pay the school fees.  The parents must provide for the student still and while many quit their jobs or move to get a better paying job it is mostly no enough.  The article says, “Many wealthy families are simply opting out of the system, placing their children in private international schools in China or send them abroad for an education.”  This shows how if it is possible and if you have enough money to avoid the test and the stress involved.  If just anyone could opt out of the gaokao and go to different schools and colleges abroad the whole system would be less stressful.  The article says, “Teachers dole out lessons, and frequently punishments, with military rigor; their job security depends on raising their students test scores,”  the article also says, “Security guards roam the 165-acre campus in golf carts and on motorcycles, while surveillance cameras track students’ movements.”  The schools have high security and strict teachers, the test is no joke for them.  Its seems as if when you get into high school in China you are studying for the test that determines your fate and cause so much stress for everyone involved, including teachers and faculty.  Overall, the gaokao causes stress for everyone involved.  
Some people may argue that its fair that so much is riding on this one test, I don’t personally agree with this statement because of many reasons and facts.  Some people may argue that its is good that having only one form of grading and acceptance into college. They would argue that even though the government is pushing for more ways that students can be selected and get into a college, but parents are saying no.  The only reason parents are saying that they don't necessarily want it because, “Many parents who fear that easing the pressure could hurt their children exam results and jeopardize their future.”  Parents are only doing this because they want to keep their child studying and focused on scoring well on the gaokao to make sure that just incase the other thing that allows the to get into college isn't so good the test scores will always help them.  Some people may argue that you can take this test over if you fail the first time.  I would argue that, “Even public schools in China charge fees … his family couldn't afford a repeat year.”  The fees are so high that many people cant do a repeat year.  So the people who do fail the gaokao it likely means that they are going to end up in a factory or construction job.  The gaokao isn't a fair way of testing either, “Rural students are at a real disadvantage. Villages like Yuejin have poor schools and few well trained teachers.  Wealthy urban families can hire private tutors, pay for test-prep courses, or bribe their way into the best city schools. And rural students are allocated far fewer college-admissions spots than students from cities.”  This is completely unfair the rural students are at complete disadvantages.  The gaokao is taken by more than 9 million students each year so many of them have come from small rural towns hoping for a fate better than their parents.  To get into college in China more than one test showed count in the selection process. 
Overall, it is not fair that so much is riding on this one test.  A test shouldn't define you, so the way that colleges in China select their students isn't fair.  Different people have advantages and disadvantages, and no one has a say in that.  Colleges should be more considerate to who they accept or not.  The gaokao shouldn't be the only way to get into college.  

Larmer, Brook. "China's Cram Schools." Upfront Magazine 30 Mar. 2015: 12-15. Web. 1 Apr. 2015.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Julia Balder
                                                      Alice in Wonderland Essay

The book, Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll is written in an era that is focused on being proper.  It was a time period of peace, prosperity, but along with that came the strict rules and guide-lines that the population had to follow.  There was never any talk about puberty, growing up and sexual tension, the monarch, Queen Victoria,  used her power to  enforce strict rules to create a certain mindset for her subjects (the commoners).  Lewis Carroll wrote, Alice in Wonderland, in my opinion, to mock the rules that were set in the Victorian Era.  
First, Carroll has a queen in the story, she uses over uses her powers for selfish purposes.  In the story the queen always uses her power as queen for her won personal purposes.  The text  says, “If the queen was to find it out, we should all have our heads cut off, you know.”  This shows that the creatures in Wonderland are afraid of the queen.  She uses her power to execute people or creatures that didn't ‘behave properly’.  Carroll is making fun of the way the Queen Victoria has ruled.  She was very strict and if anyone went out of line there would be consequences.  Carroll is using irony by when ever any creature in the story does even something as little as a walking the wrong way.  He is describing the society very strictly. Carroll uses irony to make Queen Victoria look like a strict  ruler.  
Second, Carroll uses that fact that it wasn’t common to talk about the physical changes the body undergoes.  He chooses the is topic to show how frowned upon it was to witness and how ‘strange’ it was to go through these changes, even though everyone goes through them.  The book says, “‘I ca’n’t help it ,’ said Alice weary meekly: ‘I’m growing.’ ‘You’ve no right to grow here,’ said the dormouse.”  This quote is saying how growing, or your body changing was almost shamed upon.  Carroll chose this so he can show how life was in the Victorian era and how they had rules that made no sense.  Carroll uses this topic about changing body because anyone can relate to physical growth or mental growth.  Carroll is showing how distorted the ideas were during the Victoria Era. 
Finally, Carroll use that fact that people don't really know what they want for themselves because they don't know the outcome.  The text says, “‘Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’ ‘That depend a good deal on where you want to get to,’ said the cat.” The book is saying how Alice doesn’t know where to go. The cat is telling her does it matter, no one knows the outcome of life and until go yet past that point you are always confused.  This also relates to the book because Alice is saying that she doesn't know, and since it was based in the Victorian Era nobody really knew anything of value because many topics were never talked about with children and teens.  Carroll is making fun of the lack of knowledge about personal topics in the Victorian Era.  
Overall, the book, Alice In Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll is making fun of the strange rules, too much power, and lack of knowledge in the Victorian Era.  He talks about changing physically and mentally in his book and then also talks about how the people in the Victorian Era not really knowing about key details that are important in life because it is ‘improper’ to discuss.   Through out the book Carroll mocks the Victorian Era.  

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Julia Balder 808                Banning Books Argument Essay

Dear Ms.Berner

Banning books is horrible.  Kids are getting limited access to books just because their parents and administrators don’t want to allow access to certain topics.  I don’t believe that this is a sufficient reason.  Banning books isn’t fair to the teens that are mature and can deal with the problems and facts of life, the students of MS51 who want to read certain books and some of them have been unfortunately banned from the school.   Banning books isn’t fair to the people who can handle reading them.
First, banning books wont stop kids from reading them. “When adults ban books it makes kids want to read them,” says The Atlantic Wire.  Teens clearly want to disobey authority, it is natural and normal to feel like you should rebel against authority and parents, teens will: stay up all night, eat junk food, too much social media, stay out past curfew, damage their health by smoking, etc.  When your parents tell you not to do something it is embedded in a teens mind to go do the thing their parents specifically asked for you not to do.  The fact we, teens, assume there is something that our parents don’t want us to learn about in the book, it is an instinct to want to know about the stuff our elders don’t want us to know.  If concerned parents wanted their child not read a book its best not to talk about the book or author a lot cause kids will get suspicious.  Parents asking what book their child is reading from time to time is less suspicious.  “Young adult fiction, books 12-17, has turned darker and starker.  It has also more popular than ever.  Sales are up 25% over the past 5 years, according to Publishers Weekly, with 78.5 Million worth of young adult books sold in April alone,” says the Atlantic Wire.  This shows that the more young adult books are being read, having a banned books makes them more likely to be read.   “People censor books that kids like, because kids only read books when there is something bad/wrong in them, this is what people who censor books believe in my opinion” – Judy Blume.  I believe with Judy Blume that the most popular books have been challenged and been tried to be banned.   Banning books wont stop them being read.
Second,  when you make kids oblivious to certain topics doesn’t make the topic any less real.  Parents can delay and baby their children, but that can’t deny what reality really is.  “Its our job as parents to protect our kids, even as they slowly move out of childhood and further away from our dictates.  But there’s something almost comical about raising them with tales of Big Bad Wolfs and Poisoned Apples then deciding at a certain point that literature is too ‘dark’ for them to handle, kids are smarter than that.  And a kid who is lucky enough to give a dam about the value of reading knows the transformative power of books.” – Mary Elizabeth Williams.   This way that children are raised and grow up is so fairytale-ish you are treated that you will live forever and nothing bad will ever happen, in reality horrible things happen; parents die, other family members die, murders, robberies, racism, illness, war, etc.  When you ban books you are trying to manipulate another persons thoughts into what you believe or want them to believe. In real life you can’t change other peoples opinions just because you want to, just because you slow down your child’s exposure to the real world and real world problems doesn’t mean they don’t/can’t happen. Just because books don’t portray certain topics in writing won’t make them go away.  People ban books so they can shield their children and get them under the impression that nothing is wrong in the world. 
Many people believe that mature content in books should result in them being banned.  “Contemporary literature has too much sex and violence, and our kids need to be protected from it’s depravity, “ wrote Meghan Cox Gurdon, in The Atlantic Wire.   However, I think that while banning books is not necessary, some restrictions can be helpful.  For instance, banning certain books can keep a too young child from reading something that was meant for an older/teen age reader.  For example, if a first grader gets a copy of The Hunger Games, they wouldn’t understand the deeper meaning of the book - all they would be able to comprehend is that many people were trying to kill each other, because they are not mature enough to understand the story, as it was meant to be read.  Another supporting example, is if a young child got a copy of Cat Wings, they would think only about little kitty-cats with wings looking for a home.  An older reader, who has experienced the world, would understand that they book is also talking about discrimination, with ‘different creatures’ being held to different standards just because of what they look like. Books are intended for certain age groups, because of what the content is.  Books that are published for a certain age groups, should only be allowed to be read with the proper labeling.  Once they are labeled, it is then up to parents and their kids to decide what is right for them to read, based on their level of maturity:  simply banning books isn’t fair. 
Overall, banning books isn’t productive, isn’t helpful to other kids and their parents, and banning books isn’t necessary.  Parents and administrators who are banning books are oblivious to the fact that they are disrupting another persons reading life and a person who would want to read a book that was unfortunately banned by one person thinking they were making everybody happy.  People have different opinions on certain topics which is why banning books isn’t necessary.  

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Julia Balder 808                                Hunger Games Response                   November 19, 2014

            The first book in the trilogy, The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins is the banned book I read.  This book is about two 16 year olds who were chosen at District 12’s reaping of the 74th  Annual Hunger Games.  The Hunger Games, which is a fight to the death that contains 24 kids from ages 12-18 years old.  It was created after the uprising in District 13.  District 13 and everything and everyone in it were killed because of their act of treason by rebelling against the capital.  The capital made these “games” to remind everyone not to rebel and the killing symbolizes what would happen if they did.  The contestants kill each other till one person is left; this person gets wealth and fame.  To get selected for the Hunger Games your name is put into a glass ball, based on your gender, at the reaping the two contestants from each District are selected, one girl and one boy.  Your name is put into the mix with the other kids of your gender starting at age twelve and each year until you reach your final reaping before adulthood (when you are 18 that is the last time you can be put into the mix) your name is added and additional time each year.  The two contestants selected, from District 12, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, go through a series of trials fighting for their lives.  Katniss has such an important role in her family and why she is in the 74th Hunger Games.
            Katniss has an important reason to accept her fate, her family.  If you are selected for the Hunger Games than you have one more chance to be saved if you are selected by having your name be pulled out of the glass ball, another person of that gender is able to volunteer as tribute.  In Katnisss’ situation that isn’t possible.  Originally Katnisss’ younger sister, 12 year old Primrose Everdeen was selected at the reaping as the girl tribute.  Katniss being the older sister she is says, “I volunteer!’ I gasp. ‘I volunteer as tribute!”  This shocks everyone and now Katniss is forced to go because no one can be a volunteer for a volunteer.  Katniss puts herself in this role to protect her little sister from dying in the games.  In District 12 no one has volunteered for some one else in the past 73 years that the “Game” has been around.  This shows the love that Katniss has for her sister and how she would die for her.  Katniss is a loving family member and really does care.
             Katniss is also important in her family for the role she plays in it.  For a time after Katnisss’ father had died in a mine explosion her mom was grieving for a long time and wasn’t staying focused and getting what her children needed.  Katniss had taken up hunting, which requires crossing the “fence”; a fence that is supposed to be electrified 24/7.  The book says, “Trespassing in the woods is illegal and poaching carries out the severest of penalties.” Katniss still crosses the fence and kills animals for her family to eat.  She is the one to provide food for her family since her dad has died and it is very hard to get money to buy food.  This quote shows how much she cares for her family, risking her life just for Prim and her mom to eat every night.  Katniss also signed up for tesserae; when you get extra grain and oil every month, as a result of signing up you put your name in the reaping ball extra times every Hunger Game because you are getting supported by the government. She would rather die knowing that her family had enough to eat every day. Again Katniss is risking her life just so her family can eat and function every day. This shows her personality and character, a carrying young girl who wants what is right for her family. 
            Overall, Katniss is the older sister always trying to help her family out and lend a hand.  Suzanne Collins creates the main character, Katniss, as a carrying girl who wants to do right by her mother and sister.  Katniss, the girl who risks her life every day just so her family can eat and try to live a normal life.  Collins did a wonderful job on creating this character and this book.  This book really teaches people that you can’t just rely on your parents and that once in a while do something by yourself without the help of an adult, guardian, or parent.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Julia Balder 808                                                                                       October 27, 2014
                                       Young Adult Book Reading Response

            "Susannah was like a second mom to me." In the book, The Summer I Turned Pretty, by Jenny Han, Susannah is the parent you wished you had.  The character Susannah, otherwise known as Beck, has the role as the main characters mothers’ best friend.  She owns the beach house where her kids and the main characters family live during the summer.  The main character has always gone to the beach house for every summer of her life, Susannah has always been there waiting for them to arrive.  Susannah is an important character in people’s lives.          
            Susannah is always kind and caring towards her family, friends, etc. In the book it says, "When did you go and grow up? When did you turn into this phenomenal women?" Susannah shows love and compassion to every one and compliments people. It says something about your personality when you compliment everyone, with Susannah her personality is so nice and fun.  The book describes her as a friendly person always doing right by her children. The book takes place over the summer and the main character doesn't know winter Susannah and she always imagines Susannah like the summer but with down coats and hot chocolate rather than shovels and buckets. The story also says, "I'm offering up moral support to my best friend in the world," after being caught by her children smoking. This shows how Susannah is kind to her friends and loves them. This also shows how Susannah would do anything for her best friend and offers any type of moral support (in this case smoke pot).  This shows Susannah is a loving person and will do what is good for her and her family and friends around her.  Overall Susannah is caring to her family, friends, etc.
            Susannah is a warm loving and selfless person, she is a great person to be around.  The text says, "Summer doesn't start until our friends get here, Susannah said, reaching across the table touching my hand."  This shows how inviting and warm it would to be around Susannah.  The main characters family has always looked up to her, to Susannah Isabel once told her I wish you were my mother.  This shows how caring Susannah is and how she loves her friends.  The story says, "Susannah even tried to get one for the summer house, so I could practice (practice piano)."  Susannah was willing to get Isabel a piano just so over the summer she wouldn't fall behind.  Susannah really cares about the well being of other people before herself. This shows how she puts people before her and try’s to make everyone feel okay and at home at the summerhouse in Cousins.  Susannah would do anything for anyone if it meant their personal happiness.  This shows everyone that Susannah is a great person always putting others before her.
            Overall Susannah is a warm important character because she can bring out the best in people.  Susannah always wanted for people to be happy even if she didn't know them. I believe that Susannah would be a great teacher, always caring about the students, wanting them to be happy and have a fun way of learning.  The story always describes her so well and the author did that to make the character Susannah the mom you never had.  Susannah is the warm, friendly, kind character that you always knew would be something great.